Unlock 2.0: 67% citizens say they will not take metro/local trains in the next 30 days even if they are restarted

  • • Only 15% citizens say they will visit a gymnasium or swimming pool in the next 30 days if they are restarted
  • • 93% citizens do not plan to have a holiday hotel stay in the next 3 months

June 29, 2020, New Delhi: Unlock 1.0 which announced the reopening of several sectors and relaxation in many areas is nearing its end on 30th June. Prime Minister Narendra Modi recently told Chief Ministers of various states that we need to prepare for Unlock 2.0 in parallel to working in mission mode to control the spread of COVID-19 in the country.

With the number of cases in India crossing 525,000 and 100,000 cases getting added now in just 6 days, many citizens are greatly concerned about COVID-19 reaching them. At the same time, with most factories and workplaces operating, people are struggling with how to live with the virus.

LocalCircles conducted a survey to get a consumer pulse on how important the ‘country of origin’ tag is for them while shopping and what would be the best way for an ecommerce platform to list it. The survey received over 16,300 responses spread across 239 districts of India.

The Delhi Metro Railway Corporation recently said that they are working on a list of standard operating procedures to resume metro services as soon as possible. Mumbai local trains also re-started operations for essential services providers on June 15 after being shut for 84 days due to the lockdown restrictions, but the ridership has been very low. In the first question, 25% citizens say they will take metro/local trains in the next 30 days if they are restarted while 67% said they will not do it as it might be unsafe. Although the sharp increase in fuel prices has put a dent in people’s pockets, they are still hesitant in using public transport due to the fear of catching COVID-19.

25% citizens say they will take metro/local trains in the next 30 days if they are restarted

25% citizens say they will take metro/local trains in the next 30 days if they are restarted

The Central Government, in the May 30th order, had said that they would take a decision on the reopening of gymnasiums and swimming pools during the phase 3 of the unlocking plan. Many gym owners and their associations have been demanding that the Government allows them to reopen sooner but with the rate of COVID-19 infection climbing with each passing day, citizens still do not look ready to take any chances.

Only 15% citizens in the next question said that they will visit a gymnasium or swimming pool in the next 30 days if they are restarted and a large 84% said they will stay away from these places for some more time.

Only 15% citizens say they will visit a gymnasium or swimming pool in the next 30 days if they are restarted

Only 15% citizens say they will visit a gymnasium or swimming pool in the next 30 days if they are restarted

Hospitality sector has been one of the worst affected one due to the Coronavirus outbreak. Although the Government has given permission to hotels to restart operations, their bookings have been low as people have stayed away from travel and public places. Business travel has been minimal and holiday bookings have been nearly zero.

When asked if they were planning any holiday hotel stay with family in the next 3 months, i.e. between July to September, 93% replied in a negative while only 4% said yes.

93% citizens do not plan to have a holiday hotel stay in the next 3 months

93% citizens do not plan to have a holiday hotel stay in the next 3 months

With a daily case load of over 18,000 and 525,000 plus infection, the spread of the virus is rising each day. Although, many in the Government and Industry are now in support of opening up all locked areas of the economy due to the financial impact, citizens at large seem to be clear about what they want, which is safety and containment first. At this junction, the results of the survey clearly show that majority citizens are not in favour of metros and local trains as well as gyms and swimming pools in Unlock 2.0 and add another variable to an already complex problem.

Survey Demographics

24,000+ responses were received from 241 districts of India. 68% respondents were men while 32% respondents were women. 49% respondents were from tier 1, 36% from tier 2 and 15% respondents were from tier 3, 4 and rural districts. They survey was conducted via LocalCircles platform and all participants are validated citizens who had to be registered with LocalCircles to participate in this survey.

About LocalCircles

LocalCircles, India’s leading Community Social Media platform enables citizens and small businesses to escalate issues for policy and enforcement interventions and enables Government to make policies that are citizen and small business centric. LocalCircles is also India’s # 1 pollster on issues of governance, public and consumer interest. More about LocalCircles can be found on https://www.localcircles.com

Akshay Gupta - media@localcircles.com, +91-8585909866

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