The Govt should run some big data algorithms on wallets and all transactions above INR 10000 and done through wallet should be looked at. Millions of small businesses are using wallets t...
IPL AUCTION Total matches - 410 Balls per match - 240 TOTAL BROADCASTING RIGHTS - Rs 48390 cr Total balls bowled - 98400 EACH BALL WORTH - Rs50 lakhs!!!!...
If it was indeed possible to sell Coxain at Rs.225, was the made-in-India vaccine ripping us off all this while charging Rs.1400. Instead of being given Padma awards, shouldn’t the...
Friends, many many brands for gadgets appliances automobiles engage in rampant profiteering when it comes to replacement spare parts. Because we are captive they charge the moon and mil...
For any goods valued over Rs 50,000, an e-way bill is required to move it from one state to another. This bill is a unique number assigned to a consignment for smooth movement of goods and is gener...
Bappu Kavde sold 1,123 Kg onion for Rs 1,665.50. The cost of taking his onions from his fields to commission agent, which included labor cost, transport, weighing fee was Rs 1651.98. So, he got Rs ...
Everyone see attached a receipt from a trader JK paints in sector 9 Noida. Millions of traders do business without a GST receipt like this and evade taxes. This leads to black money generation.
In 2018-19 this circle had escalated complaint on HUL profiteering and a 400 crore case was made against them by anti-profiteering authority. HUL is again raising MRP by 3-14% and reduci...
I fully agree with Mr Vishal Khanna. All the high end IT companies charge a fortune and our Govt. continues to promote such companies at the cost of the Tax Payers. This could ha...
Infosys was awarded the Rs 4,242-crore contract in 2019 to develop the new portal. Read this again guys 4000+ crore to develop the portal. This is after the c grade performance of infos...
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