Dear friends: Please suggest an Ayurvedic doctor in Bangalore for the treatment of acidity, gas, and gastric riflux problem. I would like you to recommend a doctor of having treated you or any...
Are attached. I am sure many members here go to yoga class or gym so sharing.
Because of attention being focused on Corona Virus related information,we cannot forget routine fevers prevalent during coming months bringing along Heat,Dust, Rain & Big Fat Blood Sucking Mosq...
Yoga is an essential form of exercise that must be practised on a regular basis. In these times, when students are glued to their gadgets to attend school, performing eye yoga frequently can be gre...
I am patient of 'Uric Acid' for over two decades and I had been regularly taking Tab.Zyloric mg once a day for about 17 years or so. Once in two months or so I use to get severe pain on the big t...
The 5 Tenets (Principles ) of Yoga is exactly what is Advocated by Renowned super specialists/ Allopathic Doctors also. Immunity doesn’t come by taking a bottle of Pills during the Pandemic ...
I am a border line diabetic and taking metformin 500 mg to keep sugar under control. Recently, I purchased DolceVita brand Stevia liquid syrup. After drinking one teaspoon of this syrup in a cup o...
Reference to guidance on Arsenic Album 30 by Ministry of Ayush, please advice whether the same can be given to 18 month old child. If yes, please advice the quantity and frequency.
Dear sir, My brother is suffering from lever problem, the stomach is very problemetic and high. please give me some usefull information.
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