Am I Prone To Strokes: ... TIA: TIA stands for “Transient Ischemic Attack”. TIA is a temporary loss of blood supply to the brain, often due to the blockage in the carot...
I am new to this circle but want to ask the question of what is the authenticity of taking ayurvedic treatment from babas, ayush doctors. What if there is a side efffect of sam jadi booti. What wil...
Useful share by Ruchika Maheshwari in governance circle. Ready reference list of drugs banned by Govt last week.
If you are asking for a cure on drying up of skin at edges mostly and that too at some times of the year-mostly winter but can even be in summer , I experience this at times and it has been on sinc...
What are the 5-6 items from AYUSH system that must be included in diet of growing children 6-12 which provides them resistance against viral, bacterial infections, changes in weather, helps with ph...
A probiotic is a live friendly bacteria (microorganism) that provides health benefits when consumed. Taking probiotics can benefit weight loss, heart health, digestion, immune function ...
AYUSH is being pushed by govt in a big day. I want to ask the Govt Vaidyas and all experts - what are natural/ayush solutions for hair loss. Are there really any that have worked for people?
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