I was posting this in the diabetic circle and realised this circle may be a better one for it. Buying bread is confusing. For long time I was buying the one saying ATTA only to realize l...
Here are cool 10 tips to prevent this weight gain: 1. Eat Prasadam as a Prasad and not a sweet. Take a small modak or a small spoon of sheera as prasad instead of a big modak or big bowl of sh...
HELPS QUIT SMOKING Compounds in oats can help calm the nervous system and reduce the craving for nicotine. 2. ANTI-FLAMMATORY Bathing in oat-based solutions can hel...
From: Col Veeramani [mailto:] Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 1:11 PM To: Col. R.R. Chandra Subject: MAGIC AND ...
Can someone please comment on whether anti biotic medicines should be avoided and why?
EPIDEMIC OF VITAMIN D SHORTAGE PUTS INDIANS AT HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE RISK & OTHER PROBLEMS Experts in the field of vitamin research estimate that nearly 60 percent of INDIANS are deficient i...
What is th best cream available to soothe dry skin with rashes/scales?
Did anyone see the full page Delhi times ad on Sunday. I think Richfeel or something. People have said Advanced Hair Studio is no good. Is this one any different. My husband is anxious to get the h...
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