Slowing down physical activity takes a toll on your overall well-being…sedentary life-style invites diseases. Make morning walk a part of your daily routine…it enthuses ene...
Naturopathy is in the news, thanks to Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s praise of the system. According to naturopathy, the root cause of a disease is a build-up of toxins in ...
Earlier Anshu or someone was talking about contact lenses discounts. Please advise how to get best discounts on daily disposable lenses in Delhi.
Similar to delhi Dental council in dental circle, local circles may consider joining Delhi Opthalmological society in this eye care circle. it will help members greatly.
Refractive errors are common in children. A myopic eye sees less in distance, a hypermetropic eye sees less in near, and an astigmatic eye may see objects distorted. A child, however, needs to wear...
Please share friends and experts what foods can help kids from an eye sight standpoint so they dont get glasses at an early age.
Sir - kindly please do not remind us that we need to go to some one that is you or like you for a professional eye exam. I really enjoy your eye tips but it can be without that last lin...
Recently, when we sat for dinner, there was a burnt `roti’ each in my and my wife’s plates. I smiled at my wife, and asked by grandson about his tennis match. My grandson ask...
An elderly man goes to an electronics shop, and says “My old TV is no more clear, and I want to go in for a new one”. He is shown several models one after the other, but he i...
Ram Nath is nearing eighty, but his body-faculties are all in order. He has two sons and one daughter; all married and happily settled in their respective homes. He lost his wife two years ago, and...
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