Having served vision check-up of thousands of school-chidren in Delhi, I wish to share with you all the following inspirational story from eMedinews: Once a group of 50 people was attend...
* Don’t stay in one position for too long. It’s hard to reverse bad posture, orthopaedic surgeons say, but if you get up and move around often enough, you’ll avoid getting your ne...
On behalf of the optometric community in India, I urge everyone to play with safe, dry colours this `Holi' day...so as to avoid any injury to our precious eyes. In the event of an untoward happenin...
Many herbal remedies and nutritional supplements can damage the eyes, including some alternative therapies that are used by people trying to correct eye problems, new research reports. Study author...
Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has high blood sugar, either because insulin production is inadequate, or because the body's cells do not respond properly to insulin, or...
What happens if one is 75 years old, has a long medical history including IHD, has matured cataract in right eye, (cataract in the left eye is just setting in) and one does not go for cataract surg...
Sometimes i have had to reuse daily disposable lens due to stock out by keeping it in liquid. Is there any side effect of that?
When everyone around you seems to be busy in ordering things online, you too may be tempted to do so, and why not! But, ordering eyewear online has its short-comings: When you...
Two ears come as standard equipment. If both are out of action, daily life becomes rather complicated. Even if one ear gives out, a crucial `something’ is missing. The above fact...
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