Why don't government install air index indicator in every major or minor air polluting areas so that after seeing it local residence can raise the voice against it the the assigned authority will h...
Some times we look around to find root cause of problem while we ignore obvious cause. To my observation we need to improve system in respect of following two things which contribute to great exten...
What an air purifier does is that it takes in the polluted air and cycles it a number of times, filtering out the pollutants, thereby improving the air quality drastically. A purifier contains a nu...
Respected Shri Arvind Kejriwalji, This is to pick up a thread from the last few years perennial problem about SMOG in Delhi region , with your AND CPCB'S efforts to control it, for be...
I received this clipping on Whatsapp yesterday. Can our Experts vet the solution for implementation?
I have learnt that an air cooler is fitted with a filter to help filter out odor-causing pollutants and dirt from the indoor atmosphere. Consequently, the quality of indoor air in your rooms impro...
Hi members NOx, SOx and Particulate Matter absorbing plants available in the market. Why can’t we go for plantation of such useful plants? I am unable to quantify the amount of reducti...
Please find attached latest actions plans for current severe air quality and if it deteriorates to hazardous or severe +.
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