Home Remedies To Control Blood Sugar Levels Diabetes is one of the leading concerns among health professionals today as more and more individuals fall prey to this life-long and dangerou...
One of the most frequent questions people with diabetes ask is 'What can I eat?' After all, diabetes is at root a metabolic disorder, affecting the way the body derives energy from food. Myths abou...
Obesity can shorten life by 8 years. The study further demonstrates that when one considers that these individuals may also develop diabetes or cardiovascular disease earlier in li...
Good pickle replacement. Walnut chutney is a delicious combination of walnuts with raisins. Walnuts are very nutrient-dense and provide essential vitamins, minerals and protein. Raisins ...
Could artificial sweeteners actually cause weight gain? DEAR DOCTOR : For 20 years, I’ve substituted artificial sweeteners for sugar in my coffee, and switched to diet soft d...
ABOUT DIABETES Diabetes is a life long disease that is characterised by increased levels of sugar in the blood. It is either caused due to lack of insulin (a protein that regulates blood gluco...
What’s the link between diabetes and heart disease? DEAR DOCTOR When I was diagnosed with diabetes, my doctor said I am now also at increased risk for heart disease. W...
Coconut Oil Effective in Treating Diabetes Indeed Virgin Coconut Oil has a substantial effect on blood sugar levels. My wife and daughter (both have type 2 diabetes) measure their blood ...
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