Many brands in India make plastic packaging of end product such that it is not reusable and ends up as waste. Wrigleys, Biotique, Pepsi, Coke many of them are making such products. Cant ...
Mostly what I see in the suggestion is how to cut the branches of a grown tree to dismantle the tree (Plastic). Is it going to work? Definitely not. We need to remove it from the root. I...
Why yes to ban plastic & No to paper....!!?? It's a wrong notion developed in common man that plastic is hazardous and we should not use plastic. Plastic has made our lives easy & it ...
A small section are aware and were getting themselves ready , but not all waiting for things to happen. Particularly the traders, Restaurants , careless litterers will all find it difficult . ...
We have a serious air problem in India. Can the Ministry of Environment and Health please take this seriously. We celebrate lots of days but dont do any strict policy enforcement and people outreac...
This action comes after protracted attempts of Advise , awareness , advertisements by Government ,N.G.O's as well as interested public groups . After dwelling on the first approach for a long long ...
The following are among the steps to mitigate the shortage of water: (1)Recycling used water by necessary treatment (2) Dig enough Tanks, size-wise and number-wise and prompt ow...
The gist of todays NITI Aayog’s report on India’s water crisis is this: shit's already hit the fan - 600 million Indians (!!!) already face high to extreme water stress
A lot is being talked about about reducing the use of plastics. This can be done only with if the Government(including the civic agencies), the citizens, businesses (shops, restaurants etc.) and of...
Swachhata Aap is of no use. Whatever I post it displays Resolved although No Action is taken. There are no Dustbins is Pune, so public throws Litter all over. Sweepers do not Clean. ...
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