As the Swachh Bharat campaign reflects on learnings of the last 8 months, citizens can and must play an enabling role in addition to cleanliness drives, keeping neighbourhood/workplace clean. ...
Municipalities continue to perform poorly on property tax collection. In some cities, the collection is only on 10% of the housing. Below are the key solutions, root causes, issues outlined by you ...
Below are your key inputs on the role Homemakers can play in Swachh Bharat. Kindly review and if you have anything additional, please post as a comment. Swachh Bharat Mission
Yes...this is a must in present day swachbharath!because in day time the smell emanated is intolerable particularly on main road eateries! The have no regulations in india for eateries in smal...
Below is the link to our debate output on 'Can India Clean at Night' ...
Below are the key issues and root causes as highlighted by you for the poor collection of property taxes in most areas of India. Kindly review and help us identify specific solutions tha...
Thanks for your inputs on the role senior citizens can play in Swachh Bharat. Here is the link to the recommendations: ...
Below are your key inputs on the role that Senior Citizens can play in Swachh Bharat. Kindly review them and if there is anything additional, please post it as a comment. Role Senior Ci...
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