I earnestly appeal to our Most respected Prime Minister of start a Movement For Food ,Shelter and Clothes For All .There are billions of Indians who have been depriv...
Create awareness among Commuters in usage of Public Transport viz., buses, trains
Dear Friends, Many of you have initiated or participated in cleanliness drives in your neighborhood, workplace, city etc in the last 3 weeks. Through this post, we invite you...
GARBAGE MANAGEMENT By Garbage Management in India we can produce electricity and west will be uses as Cole. Garbage Management in India will solved our MAJOR pro blame.
At least in Mumbai, all those who use public transport have a habit of throwing the used-up / expired tickets on the road, bridges and it adds to the litter created by vegetable vendors, hoteliers ...
One needs to be careful while walking on the streets to avoid stepping into dog shit. The main reason for this is the huge number of stray dogs all over the country. How can ...
Dear all: Thanks for all your inputs on how cleanliness can be achieved at workplaces. Please review the consolidated list below and if you think anything is missing, please a...
Why we don't get updates on what small changes we all can do . I mean why don't we get educated for this swachch abhiyan ? Theres one for inoculations , one for infectious desease like dengue / ma...
Privatization of sanitation task is the best option. Comments invited
Swachh Bharat Campaign is really appreciable initiative taken by Honorable PM Mr. Modi. I admit that jan-sahyog (Public Contribution) is necessary to rollout this campaign at mass level.
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