A request to SEBI on behalf of many senior people who are holding paper shares in companies. Many are still struggling to them converted into demat shares as companies not responding in some cases....
For those below age 60, the income up to Rs 2.5 lakh is exempted from income tax. Thereafter, income between Rs 2,50,001 and Rs 5,00,00 is taxed at 5 per cent. On income between Rs 5,00,001 and Rs ...
The Central Government has proposed employee beneficial package .This is beneficial for all those who have a monthly salary up to Rs.81015,if properly planned.His love for mother is seen reflected...
I appeal to Prime Minister and Finance Minister of our country that there will be no income Tax up to Rs. 8 Lakhs because Union cabinet & Lok Sabha (highest representative body of country) itse...
I filed a return of Income claiming refund of Taxes of Less than Rs 10000.00. The assessee informed me on next Friday morning that he has received the refund. Yesterday Night at 10.00 P.M. , I made...
A suggestion for the consideration/comments/suggestion of the fellow circle members. My experience is confined to Mumbai where I live. Have the following suggestion. There ar...
I have made error while filing AY 10-11 & AY13-14 due to which a demand arised for Rs.46,890/- and Rs. 37,870/- a)For AY10-11 there is filing error of TDS deducted and the outstanding dema...
Loan waiver per se is bad and present day mass waivers is very harmful for economy. Today a farmer who takes a loan he knows pretty well that he need not refund and in next election it will be waiv...
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