Below is a comprehensive list of police corruption issues as identified by you. Please review them and share your inputs on root cause of these issues. We will then have a seperate discussion on so...
Below are some of the key elements identified by you in regards to the Daily Life Integrity Gap in India. Please review and if you have additional inputs on this, please share. We will soon run a ...
(1)Most of us say that reforming the courts, online transactions, blocking Rs.500 notes, uniform taxation are effective solutions to curb the corrupt mess of our nation. Some say agitation & re...
Friends, As the Vigilance Awareness Week of India commences, attached are message from President, Prime Minister, Chief Justice and CVC on Fighting Corruption. All of you are ...
Please give inputs on how to remove Hawala money. Lot of funding from foreign countries is coming in UP. Terrorism will follow soon. What measures can be taken to stop hawala?
Corruption in toll plaza is enormous. Despite the repeted request from the truck unions and their proposal to deposit the total toll amount collected in a year in advance, govt has not agreed to ab...
All: Below are some of the key daily life corruption areas identified by you where the common citizen engages in bribery. If you have additional areas, please share your inputs!
Recently, LocalCircles has rolled out Ratings of Government Bodies. We would like you to rate the State and Local Govt Depts from a Corruption and Bribery standpoint. Please use the links below to ...
Recently it came into light that M/s NRD Traders of Moradabad U.P. had made an export of value Rs.27lakh but by frabicating and forging documents in collussion with Customs officers of ICD Madhosin...
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