I have been avid reader of newspapers and articles on deep rooted ideology and use them and their authors' predispositions to understand human behaviour with inputs from my understanding of how ani...
आजकल लोग इस बात की नौटंकी खूब करने लगे है कि नरेन्द्र मोदी के पी एम बनने से उन्हे बहुत डर लगता है-जिन लोगों को चीन और पाकिस्तान के हमलों से ड़र नही लगा और पिछले 60 सालों से देश के लगातार लुटने से ड...
Thanks ... One thing I very strongly feel is that Modi should hold press conf ( US Pres style ) once a month to state what he is doing and the progress. I have a strong feeling all these turds who ...
Friends, We have written in our election manifesto ( page 11), that 'We will leverage technology for e-Governance and engage proactively with the people through social media for particip...
The BJP 2014 Manifesto Summary (Hindi Version) is being posted as a Resource in circle as a reference for further discussions.
Dear Friends, This online community enables the citizens to provide inputs to Narendra Modi and his leadership team on what they should focus on in the next 100 days and 1 year upon thei...
In the name of secularism what we are witnessing is appeasement politics .Its a shear lie. Modi is the real secular person giving respect and space to all , however maintaining with pride hi...
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