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This delightful tropical fruit is part of a myth in relation to whether people with diabetes may or may not eat. Once more we repeat: A person with diabetes can eat fruits without any problem, even enjoy a banana.
Important organizations worldwide , including the American Diabetes Association, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the British Association of Diabetes UK recommend it as a safe and beneficial fruit for diabetics within a diet plan that consider the distribution of fruits throughout the day and take care of their portion sizes.
Being naturally free of cholesterol , fat and sodium , high in potassium , fiber , manganese, vitamins B6 and C , bananas are perfect for when considering a serving of it.
An amount of fruit that contains 15 grams of sugar is generally considered a serving. In the case of the Banana, we’ll give you the nutritional facts for half and a full serving , so that you can develop an idea of the amount that represents a portion :
• Half cup of sliced bananas: 8 g of sugar, 2 to 2.5 g of fiber and approximately 68 calories .
• Medium-sized banana : measuring at approximately the length of a pencil (7 inches or about 18 cm ), it contains 15 g of sugar, 3 grams of fiber, and 105 calories .
Glycemic Index of a Banana
The glycemic index varies according to the maturity of the banana. The more mature, the higher the glycemic index. This is because as the fruit matures, the containing starch ( complex carbohydrate ) is transformed into sugar. A ripe banana with a completely yellow bark , has a glycemic index of 52 ( low glycemic ) and is perfect for consumption.
Health Benefits of Bananas
As discussed above, the Banana is an excellent source of vitamin B6 and a good source of vitamin C , fiber, potassium, copper , magnesium and manganese.
Still, other benefits include:
• It contains tryptophan , a protein that is converted into serotonin in the body . That latter contributes to the feeling of relaxation, improves mood and makes us feel good.
• It has small amounts of antioxidants that can help prevent cell damage and have anti-aging effect : Lutein , zexantina ( zea – xanthin ) and carotenes .
• It has a kind of anticancer agents (cancer fighter) , known as lectins .
Finally, we recommend to always keep Bananas at room temperature, as it is the best way to keep them fresh .
Now you know , someone with diabetes can eat Bananas. 3 servings per week within a well-balanced food plan will allow you to enjoy this excellent fruit without problems! more