We professionals are asked what have done for the company for us to be considered for the next level. I ask all the politicians what have they done for the country and its people to be elected for the most prestigious post... Whoever can answer this has the right to get votes and be elected for the role... more
Viewed by 198
Very true. Agree with all your responses. Reason for my post is.. If i want somebody to represent me and the people of the nation I want someone who will continue to help in the growth of the nation before and after election and no matter what the result would be. more
Apr 19
who is the looser if the management not projected correct Man . The company may loose some way or other.Similarly if we can't select /project correct leader the entire nation will be under cloud. more
Apr 18
Top management of company asks what you have done for the company . Do they take your answer on the face value?. Do all people gets the higher post if every one has given excellent results?. Naturally post is one. Less demand more supply. So what they do? If they favor some particular person then he is projected as star performer through the year. Every minor act by him is projected as great performance. His report is accepted readily. Others report will be returned demanding more and more data , clarification etc. At the end of year, the chosen one have string of achievements, others still struggling. Then at a meeting when his promotion . every one claps and concur that his was great achievement and he is awarded higher post. Familiar situation? Well what is happening outside the company does take place inside also. Then we all say the top management is playing dirty politics. S. M. Mahale On Friday, 18 April 2014 11:49 AM, Sharmila Fernandes wrote: more
Apr 18
Yes you are true. But can this paid media ask this question & highlight the problems of the people ? Most of them chamchas like rajatsharma,very few like Ravish kumar in the media. Media forgotten there role and concentrated on individuals and propagandizing lies about development & other issues. If they want to earn money better they become thief's rather than journalists. Individual people can't ask these questions because of the muscle power of these netas. It is the role of the media to project the realities. That's why it has been given such a respect that it has treated as the fourth pillar of Democracy.Bu they forgotten this. more
Apr 18