Mr.Kejriwal could do something in 49 day that no minister could do in years together because.......
a) there is no one like Kejriwal
b) he is following the path of TRUTH
c) He got unconditional support from Delhi Janata
d) he got a strong team of MLA'S
e) volunteers worked for him day in day out .
f) opposition /government official were xxxx scared
g) he has Anna's support at his back
h) other parties wanted to prove him wrong
i) his family was with him throughout and supported
him unconditionally
j) he could manage to lay hands on sensitive data
k) he has done his paper work thoroughly
l) people allover the world wanted to observe the
m) donation poured in continuously
0) other reason ?
Kejriwal's success story depended which one of the FACT /S as mentioned above .
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