What the custom, excise etc do, they just hang up our job & waste time, they never say that they won't do or need bribe. But to save our time we have to understand their mock demand. There should be made an electronic systems for tracking the application, files etc. So that their accountability can be fixed. Either they have to communicate the deficiency in file or process it, without any reason if they hold, they should be remanded by department suo motto and this whole process must be transparent and should be published electronically. more
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Absolutely correct, such officers just create the nuisance without any productivity. more
Dec 30
All these charters will not work. The corruption in tax departments will come down if penal provisions for officers are also imcoporated in the Acts, their performance is not reviewed not by the unnecessary huge assessments which they are making but by the ultimate results of such assessments. If majority of assessments made by an officer get stuck down at higher forum he should be penealized for the same and the costs should be recovered from such officer. Then there will be a fear and they will behave properly. This the Head of Government at Delhi known well and he should now strive to get various acts amended so that the discritionary powers are totally removed from the Acts and suitable resposibilities coupled with punishments imposed on law implimeters as they are levied on the tax paying public. more
Dec 30
Bringing transparency in the working is the pre-requisite for end of corruption. There are several agencies where the officials are corrupt because the system is non-transparent. Example PWD, National Highway Authority, RTOs, Courts etc. more
Dec 30
Mr Vijay patil I agree. All the electronic systems implemented are only for the assessee or dealer. The other side never put on as responsible. The fast communication from the departments may lead to saving in time and early disposal of cases. The administrative burden will also be reduced to a great level. Thanks CA P M Poddar On Mon, Dec 30, 2013 at 9:31 AM, VIJAY PATIL wrote: > more
Dec 30
This is what was envisaged in Janlokpal bill to put in a citizen charter & time frame otherwise such delay tactics shall be deemed to be corrupt practices and liable for action by JANlokpal... Let the janlokpal bill be passed... more
Dec 30