I am looking for an accounts/office assistant for my office in sector-10 NOIDA, We are into shares broking and Investment advisory services. RG 0120-2547733 more
Viewed by 338
Hello sir, I m working as Executive assistant in MNC company in Gurgaon more than 8 years of experience. Can I apply for the same more
Jul 15
Dear Mittal Ji Thanks, This is an assistant post. I think better course would be, let the candidate mail his particulars to me at ca.rajeshgoel@gmail.com more
Jul 15
THANKS for the invitation ......!!! i am IT graduate from JIIT , Noida , a-10 , sec-62 , near electronic city , NOIDA , UP .......!!! more
Jul 15
if u r not getting others interestment u can look forward for my career ambition , skill and professionalist ability .......why not u give or hire me for best suitable service and career achievements .......!!!! my education is in IT & CS engg & software development ......from IIIT , hyderabad & JIIT , NOIDA & IIBM & UC , California , USA & IEEE , USA ......!!! more
Jul 15
There is a good person in my mind. What is your budget for this position. Bharat B Mittal 9818733679 more
Jul 15