The move to withheld Employees PF withdrawal is against the employees interest.. EPF is part of CTC and its right of employee to take decision on its withdrawals based on his need..giverment interestef only in exploiting middle class...there are many working women leaves job aftr marriage or at mid carrier for their family needs what right goverment has to hold back their Money..
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I agree. The government should be of help to the employee who has toiled. Sad that the government is resorting to taxing the savings of the employees also.
Mar 04
This notification news in todays 28th feb 2016 Times of India..mumbai news paper front page.
Feb 28
Has there been any notification of preventing this withdrawal ? Pls provide more details ? I am so shocked that the Government is openly resorting to these shark like attitudes - to the people who are already devastated by the land / real estate businessmen.
Feb 28
I agree. Govt should not capitalize the life time savings of employees. Untill age of 58 one can withdraw the EPF, when he/she in not on rolls will only put them in dark. Today's employment are not guaranteed for more than 5 years, so where individual get his lively hood and meet his liabilities, govt must think of this before taking any decision in this regard. It is going to be big national issue. Please raise your voice collectively and give a smooth closure to benefit helpless employees.
Feb 28
You are right it is our hard earned money and only we can decide what we want to do with it.
Feb 28