1. Majority of Legislators and the Judges of Supreme Court and all High courts know the root cause that made the Indian Citizen not accessible to the prominent part IV of our Constitution where the requisite provisions and principles of Rule that carry the very purpose of article 21 which enable various connected lively-hood applications .
The Law students of final year and those qualified and opted either the Law & Justice wings of India or the Private Employment also are aware of the ill effect of article 37 that made Indians lose their livelihood Essential provisions .
2. The Indian Executive , Legislators and Judiciary also know the fact of non application of article 39 that was set for Equal application of Law and Equality before Law while the article 32 of part III that was objected for Public Interest was also set so which is only the root cause of all sorts of hurdles and agonies of the common Indians that were identified through 2011 statistics .
3. The one and all root cause for all the ills in the public administration which carried : INCREASING CRIMES IN ALL FIELDS ; HUGE TAX EVASION ; MISLEADING AND MISAPPROPRIATING NATIONAL INCOME AND NATURAL WEALTH IN MANY SECTORS ; STACKED CASE FILES OF VARIOUS NATURE OF CRIMES ; ABNORMAL AND EXTREME DELAY IN JUSTICE DELIVER ; INCREASED UNEMPLOYMENT & LACK OF EDUCATION AT ACCESSABLE FEE ; ::::::: is the lack of appropriately needed Regulations in the Indian Election Commission and the relevant unaudited huge Funds of Political Parties .
4. The another issue that has been cornering the peace & fraternity in the Indian public is the ill-full option of Castes instead of Classes to address the needed Reservations , Relaxations , Concessions and Subsidies and is truly and absolutely correct if the Supreme Court findings , comments ,& directions advising the then Central Government to work-out for implementation of Economic Creamy Layer to carry the real provision to the poorest of the poor eliminating those already sustained sufficient status both socially and economically .
5. The ill-full concept of Castes for Reservations etc., became the very powerful backing of selfish political power of the parties and this division policy was extended in Concessions , Subsidies etc., adding further the Casts , Religion and , even the Gender in many ways and routes and this has been creating unrest in the whole Society on one pretext or the other while the issue of Slaughter of Cows and Calves which was prohibited in the Constitution , has been set to neglect since the issue was originally cited in the article 48 that was relevant to Agriculture and Cultivation in India has been timely creating unrest and even violence and is just because of the neglect in the implementation of principles of Rule in India .
6. All the FIVE SERIOUS AND PROMINENT POINTS are to be fast attended with utmost care and dedication since the parties carried all such ills and evils at their own selfish political interest and power thirst will be definitely anti and aggressive for any positive address in all these .
7. The very purpose of invention of the TRANSFORM INDIA WITH MODI and the connected Circles is not to be diluted with any further silence and delays since many even though not participating in the local circles do indeed wished and anticipated good governance by NDA and with NDA which was the inspiration from the President’ s Message to the Political leaders and the general public IN ADDITION TO THE FACTS MENTIONED IN POINT 3 ABOVE .
Therefore , I sincerely request all our members to addup inspiration and sharing please . more