Ta x is on income but there is no bar to earn income..system permits any individual to earn unlimited.
1-We need to change system..there should be 100% income tax on individuals earning over and above 50 lacs per year.
2- evolve system religiously to tap black money or close all
Holes generating black money.
3-we need to narrow the gap between rich and poor..if we can not make poor rich at least bring rich to ground..let them feel the heat..I do not how Kapil Sibal can pay rent of Rs 16 lacs per month..anylatical view be placed before public..how can he serve the public as MP..definition of rich need to be changed..otherwise time will come that public will loot these individuals because they earned only charging abnormally from the public.
4- all wealth tax payers be scrutinised at micro level and there wealth be divided among most poorer of the country.
5- Admission to school should be without surname..
6-Better schooling for children of the poorer.. Let all public school admit 50% poorer child
7-All MPs and government employees and their families must take medical facilities at district government hospitals..why individuals allowed Forien country to get medical facility.. It gives me pain when Soniaji and Amar singh go foriegn country to take medical assistance..why not at Allahabad or Amethi or Lucknow
Sir we need to initiate revolutionary action to narrow the gap between class of people.. more  

View all 8 comments Below 8 comments
Agreed on your point that the gap between rich and poor is increasing day by day ,which needs immediate attention .Inequality is a matter of grave concern today .Govt's top priority should be to reduce the afore said gap in order to avoid a chaotic situation in the future . more  
Pramod Sir, I agree with you that the gap between rich and poor should be minimised; however, I am not in consensus with you about the ways to do so. 1. The rich should pay more tax that's ok, but the tax should not be so high that individual's passion for earning high is killed. Instead of taxing them more, they can be given incentive in the form of deduction from income on spending amounts for social causes like cleaning, pollution control, poor child education etc. Appropriate systems be made for tracking and verifying that the spendings are actually reaching the targeted Indian citizens. 2.Further, I don't think that admission to schools should be without surname,as it may give rise to confusion in the case of students with similar name. Instead of this, one should focus on removing the cast/religion column from all forms especially the government forms. 3. Agree with you about the MPs and their family treatment in Government hospitals. this will improve the quality in Government hospitals. more  
We can save huge amount of electricity and water just by arresting leakage in Drinking water supply line in each municipality area. But for replacement of damaged pipe line,it requires proper planning and financial help. more  
Its good Mr Sarang Phadnis each citizen must think like you more  
One must switch off current when not required ,lights,fans all TV when yu dont see.. Then close tap water when not required. Try to see that yu save water even though yu are surplus more  
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