Swatch Bharath Mission (clean India Mission)
1. Entrepreneur training facilities in all states are to be conducted. There are large number of Govt Institutes in various parts of India to carry out this.
2. The services of these organizations may be made use of for the training, eg. Central and State pollution control Boards. Regional offices of the Ministry of Environment and forests. Training institutes of local bodies in each state. NEERI and similar CSIR organizations; approved or registered NGOs of MoEF
3. The training syllabus has to be decided by the MoEF. In the course material due preference has to be given to the nationalized banks. Let them explain there stand on the issue.
4. The govt. must be in a position to make available soft loans.
5. A guideline on the municipal solid waste management aspect has to be prepared and made available.
6. The guideline should be exhaustive with details such as the type of storage bins, collection vehicle, transportation vehicle, approved processing techniques, segregated storage of waste, reuse of waste, recycle of waste, etc.
7. List of equipment needed , its availability, list of suppliers of each equipment, their approximate cost
8. Address list of waste recyclers, such as plastic, metal, glass, used Tyre, paper, etc
9.Address list of Storage bin suppliers or manufacturers
10. Address list collection vehicle manufacturer and suppliers
Address list of of transportation vehicle suppliers and manufacturers.
11. types and quality specifications of storage bins.
12.Types and specifications of collection vehicles
13. Types and specifications of transportation vehicles
14. Land requirement based on the population and/or quantity of waste.
15. Type and specifications of different processing equipment required.
16. Smell reduction techniques in all situations separately.
17. Gas collection system in case landfill is permitted.
18.Gas bottling system
19 address list of worthwhile consultants.
20 Address list of construction/implementing agents
21. Leachate collection and management systems, including treatment.
22. Manure quality testing facilities in case composting is the processing technique applied.
23. Manure marketing wyas and means.
24. Blending of Manure with chemical fertiliser.
25. Packing of products. more