This train is used by the Passengers travelling by 18517 Korba-Visakhapatnam for reaching Raipur Junction from Bhilai/Durg/Dalli Rajhara etc. This 12953 is very fast and convenient. However, the large number of passengers are forced to travel in General Compartments and these compartments are two in front and one at the rear. When this train reaches Raipur, one has to see the rush at the gates of the general compartments both in and out passengers jostling their way. There are 11 or 12 sleeper coaches and 75 % of these bogies are empty as these will be filled up with the quota at Raipur Junction or Bilaspur Junction etc. Why dont the Raipur Division DRM allow passengers to travel by the Sleeper class. The DRM office may say that one can buy a local Sleepe r ticket and travel. But this is costly. If the sleeper ticket is issued linked by collecting double the ordinary ticket prices, then utilisation of empty sleeper bogies will be utilised between Durg and Raipur/Bilaspur. The DRM should not say that that the slab rates will apply. This is asking too much from the poor passengers and harassment.