Kindly revise the existing departure timing of Cannanore (CAN) – Bangalore (SBC) Express(16518)
At present Kannur - Yesvantpur Express/16518 is leaving CAN at 16:30 and two hours are wasting at MAQ. Kannur - Yesvantpur Express/16518 shall leave Kannur 18.10 hrs instead of 16.30hrs, to save 2 hours being wasted at Mangalore Central. There are some weekly/bi-weekly trains at 18.15hrs from Kannur (12483-Amritsar, 12287-Dehradun, 12202-Garibrath, etc). These trains can leave around 18:20 from CAN just behind the 16518. If 16518 CAN-YPR express leaves at 18.10hrs from Kannur, it can reach Mangalore Central before 20.20 hrs. Unnecessarily, 2 hours of passengers are lost due to the existing timing. The timing proposed above is of great advantage for the Bangalore passengers from Kannur to Kasargod. At present, Kannur-Yesvantpur express is waiting for Karwar-Yesvantpur express (16524) at Mangalore Central Station for around 2 hours. Also this train is blocking one of the platform at MAQ for two hours.