The company has poor service arrangement for giving warranty services. In addition to poor infrastructure, the company is also very poor in responding to consumers. A complaint was received informing that the complainant was making continuous complaint since 20th September 2015 and the company could not attend to the complaint till 20th Nov. 2015 when he escalated the complaint outside. Even the mails to their CMD remain unresponsive. The company does not provide email id for the consumers to escalate their concerns. The facebook posts also could not get desire attention other than just stating/responding the issue being looked after. All of a sudden they write on facebook that the complaint has been resolved without even attending to the call. This compelled us to visit some public domain and got surprised to note that a website indicates 433 complaint out of which 4 stands resolved. In view of the above, the company is rated single star as the after sale service being the confidence building parameter is totally missing. The public doman stae "Bad news - Even though we've managed to contact the company, they're quite slow at resolving complaints."