Birth and death certificate center totally a mess centre and under control of Dalals – the staff at counter I think basically they are class IV staffs does not know which from for what and continue accepting forms without verifying correctness of form and attached documents that gives scope for Dalalas exploited the innocent common people The BMC office does not know how many how many burials and cremation ground under BMC area and what to speak of service. Satyanagar electrical crematorium always in defunct state Garbage collection:- It is somewhat very good in VIP zones in but extremely poor in other areas even one cannot seen garbage collectors for raising from a week to months together . there is no notified place , total lack of bins for dumping Garbage Land building construction it is lacks any management plan operation specilly waste management there is no plan or notified place to dump building and construction waste of its eco friendly disposal Parking management:- Two wheelers and Four wheelers it is usually done in road by blocking traffics and pedestrian route Most of the common land marked for Parks and play ground are sold to builders with politicians – official nexus