There should be urinal/ latrin in each important square and should be equiped with water supply, which the public should be in a position to utilise with proper hyginic condition.
------- Edited on 2016-07-24 -------
Recently one Doctor has fired from his bullet to a person who was urinating at a place where wastes are dumped. This urinating is a nature's call and someone can not stop it for hours together. Hence, it is essential requirement to provide urinals at different places for the use of public, as and when required. Without providing urinal, expected the people to keep the city clean is not possible.
------- Edited on 2016-10-05 -------
Auto drivers create lot of inconvenience on the road to other people using the road. There is no meter in the auto. They charge as they like. They stop where ever they like. The traffic police are silent spectactors.