Bowen Therapy Centre 0 000 The Bowen Technique can relieve back pain and sciatica, digestive and bowel problems, earache and TMJ problems, migraines and other types of headaches, fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome, hip, knee, ankle and foot problems, menstrual and hormonal Irregularities, neck and shoulder problems (including 'frozen shoulder'), groin pain, pelvic tilt and uneven leg length, respiratory problems and hay fever, RSI, carpal tunnel syndrome and tennis elbow and sports and other traumatic injuries. It is also a good relaxant!!
Bowen Technique is a gentle hands-on-bodywork therapy, which involves a sequence of light, safe, non-invasive, yet dynamic moves on specific areas of connective tissue (muscle, tendon or nerve plexus) with frequent pauses and can be done on anyone from newborn infants to frail care elderly. This technique is believed to flow in harmony with the subtle energies of the body and sets up vibrational energy patterns with specific frequencies which affect particular parts of the body. It addresses the body as a whole unit and encourages an integrated response by balancing and re-aligning the body on all levels of the physical, chemical, emotional and mental aspects.
- Noida
- B-14/185 Himgiri Apartments, Sector 34, Noida
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