Gurugram Electricity is irregular with unprecedented fluctuations in supply. In several cases, supply does not meet demand leaving loads of people in this so-called "Millennium City" struggling to compensate for their power drought and that adds to pollution and deterioration in our air quality. Gurugram is growing at a pace second to none, but the Supply v. Demand hasn't changed to meet growth. Improvements are obvious, but not at the rate of growth in this city. Instead of building more concrete structures in this city, Government should give incentives to developers that plan their developments in this city with integrated solar farming and garbage recycling units. Then, Government should assess these smart townships within this Millennium City and give tax breaks to residents of townships in which global standards are followed properly without corruption. In-fact, assessments must be done by independent experts from other cities in the country. Let us work towards making NCR and this nation garbage-free and pollution-free, and most importantly, crime-free.
Thanks for reading and listening to me, an expert in strategizing smart cities; a Consultant Extraordinaire. Contact me for consultations; I am always glad to be part of improvement in this city and in the Nation. Jai Ho!!