Chennai Police 0 000
Chennai Police
2.38 / 5 56 Reviews
Chennai Police Headquarters, Chennai, India 600003
Traffic Police is meant for Politicians, since they are not seen to regulate traffic.
Traffic police is not doing the job strictly as required. I have personally seen them allowing to go persons who pass a red signal with out stopping. There are several indiscipline in the duties of traffic police. Rash drivers are allowed to go with out any action. Some strict action is required to control Traffic police.
Traffic Police in Chennai has taken a holiday like attitude. To cite an instance I wrote several letters to City Police Commissioner to Inspectors at K4 Police stations on the burning issue to the 7 th Mainroad, Annanager, Chennai 600040 detailing that the entire stretch of the road under the travel operators , thugs and vendors control , just cannot think of walking and the appeals we sent signed by the residents but to this date nothing happened.(three months passed) Worst still is opposite to K3 police station on the main road Bajaj two wheeler dealer entirely blocks half of the road width and on the same road 5 metres away a repair yard functions. All this I brought to the attention of the concerned but it appears foolish exercise. What more you want to show the efficacy of the force in question.
Traffic Police is doing the job as best as they can but poor road planning and maintenance, road/side-walk encroachments (for which you have to blame the city managers) and general lack of responsibility by drivers/riders/pedestrians make their job difficult and thankless. Of course some of them take bribes and let off errant drivers thus discrediting their image in peoples' perception but when I see many of the traffic policemen working in hot sun and dust often exposing themselves to injury by rash drivers, my heart goes out to them.

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Links given in Rating comments part where many people been cheated by these cons (since so long!!) are mentioned. I doubt TN Police knows about them and purposely supporting else how come cheating can be so easy? Atleast I have seen they are not supporting by any means to the victim.

A group of people Chennai resident having bank account of Chennai Velachery taking money online and not providing service. Not responding after taking money. Lodged complaint to Chennai Police Ref No RCP1705391 online as I am currently in Orissa.
This is a clear case of cheating by a person residing in Chennai and having bank account there in Velachery where I was asked to transfer amount (Bank transaction screenshot also mentioned in below mail). I believe law and order is same for all in our country and lodging complaint with proof online is enough irrespective of victims location. Earlier I faced similar case 6 years back and MP Police helped me to get my money back so I don’t think it is mandatory to lodge the complaint with local police. Later I received call from Police saying I need to raise complaint with Orissa Police. The cheating case happened online and we get transferred frequently hence lodged the complained with all proofs (Email and bank transaction detail). It is very unfortunate that people from Chennai are cheating others and TN Police is just waving hand by asking to lodge complaint locally.
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Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
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