The husband purchases a flat. He expires. The widow files a nomination to her flat, since the couple had no children. The society accepts it. The widow expires. It accepts membership of the nominee.
8 years thereon, none of the members take charge of the society and it is without a Committee. However, the Dy. Registrar takes no action.
After 8 years of accepting this nomination, the society claims that the widow was never admitted as a member. This is contrary to the Form "A" filed by the society at the time of its registration, wherein she was named as one of the founding member. This charge is raised only with the intention of usurping the flat through the heir as the society intends to go in for re-development. Two more such members are subjected to the same treatment.
The Form"A" is evidence of a clear and intentional mis-declaration by the society liable to action under Section 21-A of the MCS Act i.e. cancellation of its registration. But no action is taken against the society by the Dy. Registrar.
Further, the number of members being maintained by the society is 10 as per latest audit report. This audit report shows a share capital for 11 members. The society has concealed the membership given to a garage sold outside it membership. This is one more mis-declaration. But no action is taken against the society.
The society is liable to action under Section 21-A of the MCS Act i.e. cancellation of its registration.
The society admits in writing that it has not maintained the mandatory Nomination Register since inception but disputes 3 nominations accepted. This Nomination Register is not updated as per remarks of the Auditor in his report. But the Dy. Registrar is not moved.
Above all, the society has filed false affidavits and made efforts to induce a heir to making him file a false affidavit before the Dy. Registrar, when it is made aware of the several heirs to the property. However, the Dy Registrar orders that the widow is not admitted by the society as a member.
When the complaint is put up on Aaple Sarkar, the society admits that both the husband and wife were admitted as members. Such admission is also confirmed by the Dy. Registrar. However, the Dy. Registrar has no intentions of accepting the membership of the nominee.
An appeal with the DJR is filed in 2016. The society consistently seeks adjournments to avoid a decision. Hence intervention through the site Aaple Sarkar was sought once again. But the authority is not moved.
In another case an identical situation had arisen in the matter of a neighbour in the same society. The Dy. Registrar accepts his membership in 2016 but has no intentions to enforce his own orders under Section 79(2) and Section 80 of the MCS Act even as of today.
It is therefore obvious that the so-called society has never followed the law since inception. But the Dy. Registrar and his seniors have no intentions to go by the law it has laid down for the benefit of its citizens.
The society is vacated for re-development and an application for IOD is made for it with Municipality. This stands rejected as of date. The Municipality has no intentions to inform about enforcement of demolition to the disputed members.
No rights of either the society or the heirs are being disturbed by accepting these Nominations. If an issue of a Nomination cannot be resolved in 20 years, it only shows the incompetence of the society and the Dy. Registrar or rather the intentions of the authorities concerned are questionable.
Use of Govt. machinery being flagrantly used is despicable. The sanctity or orders and the law laid down cannot be enforced by the Govt. makes it impotent. What type of an administration is this? The question is whether we live in a society bereft of laws and the Govt.'s approach is a farce created by law. The concept of co-operation is mauled by those who have the authority but we call it a co-operative society.
------- Edited on 2019-06-01 -------
Update on the earlier comment. The orders under Section 78 A(1) b were issued on 28.11.2018 and three members viz. Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer have been dismissed. However these members continue to operate and make an application for redevelopment of the building.
Absolute mockery of law.