Dr. Ranjana kantharia

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have been trusted Homeopathic Doctor at this locality more than 20years.
5.00 / 5 2 Reviews
Shrikhande Wadi
Shrikhande Wadi, Dombivli East, Dombivli, Maharashtra 421201, India
Improving Students' Relationships with Teachers to Provide Essential Supports for Learning
Positive relationships can also help a student develop socially

The best teachers are capable of maximizing the learning potential of every student in their class. They understand that the key to unlocking student potential is by developing positive teacher student relationships. Building a trusting relationship with your students can be both challenging and time consuming. Great teachers are masters at it and will tell you that developing solid relationships with your students is paramount in fostering academic success.
It is essential that you earn your students’ trust early on in the year. A trusting classroom with mutual respect is a thriving classroom. Some teachers are more natural at building positive teacher student relationships than others. However, most teachers can overcome a deficiency in this area by implementing a few simple strategies into their classroom on a daily basis.
till now personally recommended more than 100's of people and got better results.

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