What the KMC water supply department lacks comprehensively are enumerated below:
1. There is no mass awareness and education to the users about the actual cost of the water, the actual and assured quality of the water, and the water as received can be used directly without further treatment for the specified application. In the absence of this information, each user applies his wisdom and the economy aspect the lost sight of.
2. Leakages in the supply and distribution lines are not closely monitored and swift action not taken unless the leakage is very heavy.
3. Unauthorized tapping of water supply is not monitored. In the current age of technology, the department must request any one to report the unauthorized tapping and leakage and also permit them to upload any picture or video clip.
4. There is no campaign by the department for rain water harvesting, waste water recycling after treatment, and economical use of water, as well as no discouragement for using subsurface water which has already resulted in alarming lowering of ground water table.
5. In short, the department is not doing enough justice for its existence. It has not taken up any major programme for water conservation. It believes in liaises faire.