LSGD should find ways to arrest persons guilty of wantonly disposing garbage along roadsides, into peoples' compounds, into water bodies, etc. They should be shamed over the various medias. Residents and local communities should also help out. Every house should compulsorily be required to install pipe composting and other garbage disposal facilities. If there is facility for gas usage, the pressure on our national LPG structure will lessen. A group of panchayaths can collaborate and facilitate the collection of electronic wastes, paper, glass, old furniture, etc. Such units can also be encouraged to recycle and reuse, and government can provide susbsidies and incentives for those who come forward to take up such activities. This can also provide an avenue for employment.
Existing drains should be cleaned regularly, and new ones provided. Excess water should be led off into natural ponds and lakes to help recharge the groundwater systems. There are several designs for drainage systems to promote ground water seepage, instead of expelling our water wealth into the open sea.