The area under this Muncipality is predominantly middle and lower income class residents. Slums and encroachments are common. Floating population is high. Muncipality is not pooling its resources efficiently to maintain the streets, roads and public places.
They are very good at laying concrete/ asphalt roads and cutting it immediately after curing period and making a mess of it.
Garbage burning is common. Garbage bins are on the roads and footpaths. Clearing freqency inadequate.Private shops never bother to keep their own waste bin for them. They throw waste conveniently wherever they feel. Some dump it in the drain below their encroached space. Customers wash their hand on road itself.
Stray animals cows buffaloes and dogs are everywhere on the street competing with traffic and residents.
Small hotels are very particular about keeping their LPG stove on the footpath making the pedestrian 's life miserable.
Bikers and four wheelers park their vehicle always at the most inconvenient place on the roads and corners. Youths are not showing any consideration for others.
Tea shops will have business only if it is encroached on the footpath, better the patronage better the encroachment. Air pollution is alarming. Muncipality Councillors are rarely in public serve mod. Not offering any on line services to residents as on date , may be they are working on it (to delay).
No parks commensurate with the population , no breathing space for citizens. Available green cover is fast disappearing. Available spaces are left un attended. eg. Space below MIT flyover. Being an adjoining city area people expectations are high but results always in disappointment.