Postman are not taking due care in delivery of letter. They visit once in a week, on rotation to their alloted area and there are several complaints that they are not distributing the letters at all.
------- Edited on 2019-03-07 -------
It will be heartening to note that the ordinary covers are not being collected properly and not distributed in time. It is understood that the charge of collection of letters from post boxes has been out sourced and it is not working properly. A common man, who posts a letter, inland or post card is not being delivered to the addressee in time.
------- Edited on 2019-05-21 -------
The postal department is losing its charisma. Mostly, the ordinary letter are not being timely collected from the Box, nor sorted and despatched in time. There are lots of complaints in delivery of post. The reason behind is attributed to entrusting the work to out sourced persons, with any responsibility.
------- Edited on 2020-02-02 -------
The delivery of ordinary posts are not done regularly and more particularly, if a postman goes on leave. Collection from the Post Boxes are outsourced and the person engaged is doing mischief. Le the Postal department keep on track on such activities.
------- Edited on 2020-05-23 -------
The Post Offices in the country have forgotten their prime work. The Post Man is not seen in the street with letters. Post Boxes are no more visible in chowk/ squares. Officials prefer email and private people prefer whatsapp for sending information. Important documents are being sent through Couriors at high cost, with assurance that it will delivered within 24 hours, which is not correct. The Speed Post is rather secured and delivered at less cost. Post Offices have started banking business with ATMs. Things have changed not for good, but for convenience.