In Budvel, Rajendranagar, I found that the power supply frequently goes off and when we see the surrounding areas of Kismatpur and Rajendranagar are having full supply.
------- Edited on 2015-11-20 -------
The supply in Budvel, Rajendranagar very bad frequently the power shut down is there and in night time when we see the surrounding areas of kismatpur and Rajendranagar the supply of power will be there and in budvel there won't be there. The frequent contact of call center will restore the supply which is not fair the board has to perform their duties without fail.
------- Edited on 2016-06-30 -------
During the month of May, 2016 I have called the toll free number 1912 several times through my bsnl land line which costs me of a sum of Rs.220/-. The other day when inquired with the service provider they stated that it is chargeable calls. It indicates that how the power supply went off in our area i.e. Budvel, Rajendranagar. The area AE Power supply also frequently contacted in this regard. Almost all the night times when we found that in and around Budvel, Kismatpur and Rajendranagar are seen without any kind of power interruption and why this Budvel village is having this type of problem. The chargeable toll free number may be changed to free service to the general public and the power supply problem may also be solved in Budvel area.
------- Edited on 2016-10-15 -------
I am staying in Budvel, Rajendranagar, and found that electricity failures in this area is very frequently happening, and also found that Kismatpur and Rajenranagar are not affected which was noticed during night time. This was brought to the notice to the AE concern but no use. The toll free number 1912 is totally chargeable calls and in a month I have paid Rs.200/- in my land line bill.
------- Edited on 2017-06-18 -------
We are staying in Budvel, Rajendranagar,the power supply goes frequently since three years and the officer concern gives some unsatisfactory reply. The defects are not traceable whereas in and around Budvel the supply of power is not affected which was noticed during night time.