Categorizing Areas in a Constituency
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Online Signatures: 1
Prime Minister
Categorization of Constituency based on the areas included within it and the active basic facilities prevailing in those areas like access to schools, colleges, parks, hospitals, electricity, water, transport and sewerage facilities for the people living in those areas should determine whether the votes polled in that constituency should be considered as full votes or reduce each vote polled by certain percentage so that the development of those areas will fetch more votes to the aspirants. This will also influence many other associated policies like government land rates prevailing in that area, taxes that can be collected from a given area, security policies that can aligned with a given area etc and also facilitate governments in channelizing its resources with more transparency.
Transforming IndiaApr 07
Supreme Court Judgments well narrated these in 1960,1983, 1989, 1991, AND, 1992 also. BUT, THE Ruling Congress Party NEVER CARED S.C. too while the Constitutional Mandates had been diversified ruining Life Guarantee Provision contemplated in Article 21 and the Preamble Guarantee. more