General Insurance Companies - Lack of Professionalism accountability
Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2
As consumers we buy insurance expecting that we are covered for the risks we face. But did you know that insurance companies simply pocket your insurance premium and do not have systems in place to register your claims in a time-bound and prompt manner. Nor do they have any accountability towards reimbursing you for their lack of systems and resultant inconvenience caused to customers.
We need better service and expect more accountability from these so called MNC and large insurance companies. If companies like TATA AIG do not have professional systems in place, then what can you expect from others.
Sign to bring in more accountability to Consumers.
We need better service and expect more accountability from these so called MNC and large insurance companies. If companies like TATA AIG do not have professional systems in place, then what can you expect from others.
Sign to bring in more accountability to Consumers.
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Connected ConsumersDec 17