Misleading Youth by false propagation by power hungry illiterate politicians & Fringe groups
Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2

Chief Minister
There is a group in Tamilnadu who are working overtime to create problems which are insignificant or make an issue which is sensational. To name a few Sterlite & NEET. NEET is an well accepted exam in all states of India but our politicians keep on raising issues against it for their own political mileage, benefits. Even the state Government doesn't take a stand and clarify the importance of that. If there's a death after exam results it's immediately tagged to NEET and all fringe political outfits makes an issue out of it. Which is very dangerous trend emerging and the political outfits try to create false opinion about our United India in today's youngsters.
The Petition was also marked to:
S Gurumoorthy
Residents of Tamil NaduJun 06