Transfer of EPF account from Karnataka (KN/15092/78)to Odisha (OR/7363/101) -Not yet materialised
Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2

Similar cases may be there or others unsettled EPF accounts. for a long time without any proper response from the EPF authorities, and may be useful for settlement of such long pending accounts with other EPF holders.
This account of EPF- KN/15092/78 BELONGS TO Karnataka SINCE 1997 UPTO 2006, AND OTHE RACCOUNT -OR/7363/101 FOR A PERIOD OF December 2006 to June 2010, could not be settled till now.
This account of EPF- KN/15092/78 BELONGS TO Karnataka SINCE 1997 UPTO 2006, AND OTHE RACCOUNT -OR/7363/101 FOR A PERIOD OF December 2006 to June 2010, could not be settled till now.
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