We don’t want bullet trains. We want proper bulletproof jackets first.

Signed 6/3000
Online Signatures: 6
We don’t want bullet trains. We want proper bulletproof jackets first.

A lot of our soldiers don’t have proper bulletproof jackets. Our policemen and even our SWAT teams are fighting terrorists wearing cricket helmets and knee pads. This is gear for sportsmen, not soldiers. They stop cricket balls, not bullets.

I am proud of our soldiers because they fight for India. But I am terrified for them because the country is not providing them with the protection they need.

Our army had asked for lightweight bulletproof armour 10 years back and they still don’t have it. Our policemen and soldiers are dying because they don’t have bulletproof jackets.

The Defence Minister asked for 50,000 emergency jackets to be procured 6 months back. The army still hasn’t got them. If they had, we might not have lost our brave soldiers who were martyred in Mumbai, Gurdaspur, Pathankot and many more before.

Why are we talking about bullet trains and giant statues when our army and police are not protected while fighting terrorist attacks?

This is an urgent request to the Home Minister and Defence Minister. Please provide adequate bulletproof armour for our army and policemen. Let us try and give our soldiers the best protection possible.
दतिया ब्रेकिंग
*रेत के भरे ट्रैक्टर की टक्कर से गिरी पीताम्बरा पीठ मंदिर के पास बनी बारादरी।*
टक्कर मारने के बाद मौके से फरार हुआ ट्रैक्टर चालक
*शहर की सुंदरता बढ़ाने के लिए पीतांबरा पीठ मंदिर के पास बनाई गई थी दो बारादरी।* सोमवार की शाम ट्रैक्टर की टक्कर लगने से धराशाई हुई बारादरी
*बारादरी के मलवे के नीचे कई मोटर साइकिल दबने की आशंका* जिला प्रशासन की टीम पहुंची मौके पर *मलबा हटाने के लिए चलाया जा रहा रेस्क्यू।*
बारादरी गिरने से प्रशासन की लाखों रुपए पर फिरा पानी।😴 more  
May 30
In a very latest statement from PMO , finally Indian soldiers are going to get bullet proof jackets. After immediate delivery of 50k bulletproof jackets In 2016 , the order for 1.86lakh bullet proof jackets worth over ₹1000 crore have been made against the total projected requirement of 3.53lakhs and soon it would be delivered to defence forces. I hope the delay for more than a decade will fade away now.
I am hopeful this time the respective orders / deals would not stay on papers only and be implemented in real terms. more  
Nov 26
test reply 😂 more  
May 30

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