13 Incredible Health Benefits of Cabbage
1. It's a Great Source of Vitamin C
2. It's Rich in Sulfur. Sulfur is a highly useful nutrient because it is used to fight infections, and a deficiency can increase the time wounds take to heal, and also put you at a much higher risk of contracting a microbial infection.
3. It's a Fantastic Source of Fiber
4. It Can Help Prevent Cancer. Cabbage contains a good amount of anti-cancer compounds, such as sinigrin, sulforaphane, and lupeol, that are known to inhibit the growth of dangerous tumors.
5. It's Loaded with Anti-Inflammatory Properties
6. It Can Help You Lose Weight
7. It Keeps Your Brain Healthy
8. It Regulates Your Blood Pressure. The potassium found within cabbage can help you to lower your blood pressure, thereby decreasing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.
9. It Promotes Good Eye Health
10. It Prevents Premature Aging
11. It Strengthens the Bones
12. It Eases Muscle Aches
13. It Can Help Detoxify Your Body. By getting rid of free radicals and uric acid, cabbage can help to prevent gout, rheumatism, renal calculi, arthritis, skin diseases, and eczema. This detoxifying effect is due to the high amount of sulfur and Vitamin C that cabbage contains. more