20 natural remedies for Lowering Fever
1. Take 7-8 leaves of basil and 3-4 grains of black pepper and chew them together. The two spices are very good at lowering fever.
2. Soak basil leaves in boiling water and drink 3-4 times a day, until the fever comes down.
3. In a pot of water, mix a half spoon of cinnamon, 2 seeds of cardamom and two spoons of ginger powder. Bring to a boil, filter and drink.
4. It's important to drink a lot of water during a fever, but we recommend boiling it first to prevent further contamination.
5. Drink a glass of milk, and better if it's whipped. You can whip it by: Taking two glasses and pouring the milk into one, and passing the milk between the glass vertically. Do so several times until it is whipped and then drink.
6. At night, go to sleep with warm clothes and a warm blanket. During sleep, you may sweat, but don't take off the blanket. You need to let the body sweat. You'll need to keep drinking water throughout the night so as not to dehydrate, but it will help the fever come down. This works because the sweat expunges toxins from the body, so the more you sweat, the quicker you'll heal.
7. Crush two teeth of garlic and mix with 2 table spoons of olive oil. Heat the mix and spread on both feet. Wrap with plastic wrap and stay like this for the night. Stay with it for an hour after you feel the fever come down.
8. Drink a brew of boiling water with lemon, honey and ginger, several times a day.
9. Mix half a spoon of saffron in a glass of boiling water. Let it cool and take a spoon from the saffron mix every hour until the fever comes down.
10. Eat an orange. An orange gives you immediate energy, it makes you pee and strengthens the immune system. The grapefruit also has anti-feverish advantages, and so it is also recommended to mix half a cup of grapefruit juice with water and drink.
11. Eat green vegetables to detox your body, and avoid fatty or spicy foods that can elevate your temperature. more