Yoga with some variations has been recommended the best in aiding faster cure as well as prevention. more
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It is a great day for India and a tribute to our Prime Minister's vision. Less than 3 months after our Prime Minister Narendra Modi proposed the idea, the UN general assembly on Thursday adopted an India-led resolution declaring June 21 as 'International day of Yoga' recognizing that "Yoga provides a holistic approach to health and well-being". The resolution on 'International Day on Yoga' was introduced by India's Ambassador to the UN Asoke Mukerji on Thursday and had 177 nations joining as co-sponsors, the highest number ever for any general assembly resolution. It is also for the first time that such an initiative has been proposed and implemented by any country in the UN body in less than 90 days. (TOI dated 12 Dec, 2014). more
Dec 12
Congrats the govt has chisen june 21 as the yoga day each year to be celebrated more
Dec 12
Har Dayal Dawra ji, it is a great achievement. Welcome to India, please come as soon as possible and give us the benefit of your experiences. more
Nov 25
In India I was teaching and practicing Hath Yoga in traditional style. When I moved to Singapore I got interested in Qigong, popularly known as dynamic meditation by westerners. It is synchronization of slow graceful body movements, breathing pattern, with mind and thought concentration. Movements are graceful and relaxed. Gradually I was promoted to instructor and then senior instructor. It was not Tai Chi. After 9 years I got attracted to new type of Yoga, under the name of 'Fan Lao Wan Tong Fu Si Fa' meaning thereby Rejuvenate Yourself Breathing. This is a unique combination of Yoga, Buddhism and Taoism. It was developed by Buddhists of Taiwan. Salient features are, breathing out and the in, locking the breath inside and performing exercises. It is believed that the locked air inside presses around and removes blockages in Energy Channels, which are philosophized by Acupressure system. There are testimonies which prove its efficacy in helping faster cure and also in prevention of cancer like diseases. HBP, and Blood Sugar, etc. I have myself experienced perceptible difference. On the field it starts with half an hour of warming up, Tai Chi jogging for 20 minutes, breathing control for ten minutes mediation for ten minutes and then Yoga in different style for fifty minutes. All over it starts at 5:30 am and continues upto 7: 35 am. There are 54 centers with around 1500 participants. I can give you a demo when I am in India next year end. I hope I am able to explain little bit till then. more
Nov 14