NGT has banned plying of diesel vehicles of more than 10 years old on the pretext of pollution control. A question arises whether it was the first and the last choice to ban the vehicle and if so whether it was the issue of pollution or some other compelling reasons?
1. Is the pollution being caused by private vehicles? I have a vehicle which is more than 10 years old. It has gone regularly for a pollution check. It has been noticed that it has never pollution more than a prescribed limit at any time during last 10 years. Then .............. ?
2. NGT has failed to notice the conditions on the city roads about the traffic jam in the city where the vehicles are jammed on a idling engine and it should also be a fact that those points must be causing heavy pollution due to idling vehicles. The road conditions are very bad which causes drastic reduction in speed, jams etc ultimately causing pollution. It takes years (on the site) to repair a given stretch of the damaged roads (may be on paper many times repaired). Any check on that ?
3. The pollution check used to be costing somewhere about Rs. 30/- per quarter few years back. It was suddenly raised to about Rs. 90/- per quarter. What compelled Govt. to increase the rates as well as impose service tax. If the govt considers pollution a issue of public interest should not have increased the rates and impose additional service tax. Increase in the rates could not be justified as every year there is an increase in number of vehicles and the pollution checking centres were having idle capacity. Most of the pollution checking centres are housed in the petrol pumps and owned by petrol pump owners where they employ a person to check the pollution of the vehicles and pay only somewhere around 7 to 8,000 per month for a duty of around more than 12 hrs. The NGT also should have come out with a recommendation to reduce the checking fee, issue being of public interest.
4. Will there not be a tendency of the vehicle manufacturer to reduce the quality of the vehicle as all vehicles would have to be scrapped after 10 years of their purchase. So design and quality will be decided for 10 years life span.
There may be many other points. more