Dear Modiji. Please include in your Manifesto to introduce Pension for non pensioners Senior Citizens whose votes are more for you.This would be unique and transparency for the country's prosperity.Will you please monitor as the first point of your programs?
Strategy Analyst & Project Network Consultant
Bangalore. Mob 9986364875 more  

Pensions only to citizens who have worked for the safe guarding of the country. Free health services including medicines to poor people in rural areas. In urban areas, medical facilities are available at the municipal hospitals but being misused by some people....... needs monitoring and involvement of volunteers. No pension for me. No ration card. No subsidy. By this commitment, the government can properly record and declare on the web-site who are taking subsidy and pensions. more  
Dear Reader/Friends, SUB : WEAKEST ELECTION EVER AND WEAKEST COMMISSION . It is election commissioner HS Brahma's belated bizarre attempt to save his own skin inspite of the fact that he was himself party to all the decisions of commission . He is guilty along with the other two election commissioners of dereliction of duty . Could such grave lapses have been pardoned in the case of a lower functionary of Govt ? Any other lower GOVT employee would have been sacked by now or at least booked and charge sheeted for lapses of this magnitude . Founding fathers of constitution guaranteed immunity along with vast powers to act timely to Election Commissioners with the premise that they will act free and fair . But they are proving like an arrogant clerks in their functioning . They forget that they are expected to deliver quality service to the country of which political parties are an important arm . Sadly enough , while they are enjoying most sought after perks like LAL BATTI , plush bungalows , security guards , best health care , social status , enviable high salaries and post retirement lucrative benefits , they refuse to deliver quality job . This is weakest election ever inspite of being the longest ever . Every body,s hope that this much long spell will be made use of by election commission to make one of the memorable elections for delivery has been bellied . Following factors need be taken note of :- 1. Commission ordered large number of paramilitary forces . The avowed purpose was to deploy them for polling duty . Instead , state Govts did not place them on polling booths but kept them for their other policing duties . State Govts. deployed the state police at polling booths to manipulate/rig the polling . Election commission kept silent . 2. FIR lodged against PM candidate without verifying the facts which later proved wrong . look commission's arrogance . It did not apologise to the candidate . 3. In other cases Commission did not act even on in-camera violations because person is holding VP post in CEC appointee party . 4. In Varanasi , Commission refused permission to candidate himself to canvas for vote and put forth his views on various issues on which he intends to fight election . If candidate is not allowed to reach electorate , what sort of election is this . Not heard of anywhere in the world hitherto-fore . It will find place in Guinness book of world records . As flimsy an excuse as security threat to candidate talking to closed door audience of 150 persons of repute do not go down well with the voters of VARANASI . Commission has taken the voters of VARNASI for granted and usurped their legitimate right to hear the poll candidate . Commission sighting security threat to election rally even while 50,000 security personals are at its disposal in Varanasi itself for one constituency . What a colossal waste of public money by three members of the commission .In total contrast ,Congress VP who is not a candidate is allowed road show in the city. 5 . Commission disregarding and not responding to urgent letters from VP of a party who also happens to be Leader of Opposition in Parliament . HS Brahma's post happening belated media interaction to say sorry is nothing but an after thought . How can he disown his role in three member commission while being part of all decisions . Had he been sincere , he should have put his foot down in the commission meetings . Plausible reason for after thought is fear of being overlooked for CEC as and when that happens . RN Kapil. more  
Mr. Ramanujam, is it not too late to ask these goodies? more  
Ms.Jayalalithaa has done a lot of good things to TN and the people of TN is having happy life. You have done so to Gujarath similarly a good administration. If Both of you join hands to make whole India to give a fresh lease of Happy Life, it would be crediable. S.Ramanujam Mob.9986364875 Bangalore. more  
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