71st Independence day Aspirations : 16.8.2017
The re-imbibe memorizing the Quit India Movement at its 75th year resembled those Aspirations that took place in our Constitution . This indeed covered the most important issues that were discussed in our Mother Circle during the last year and there is need to remember and remind with continued enthusiasm and Zeal with our positive participations . The following are needed to be addressed with due Reforms .
1.The paucity and poverty in general public at large shall be addressed with the Motto of QUIT POVERTY . This needs carry of the Constitutional Benefits those were identified as Essential like Education , Healthcare and also the Agriculture , the Major Sector of Livelihood with needed Funds and Aids with proper Code and Regulations .
This also needs necessary Subsidies , concessions and relaxations with reasonable application strictly Based on Slab-wise attempt in various issues with over all Controlling Limit .
This also needs continuous Vigilance and vested Investigation to control Corruption & also misuse imposing strong punishments to both the Departments and the mis-users .
This also needs prompt application of arresting Concentration of Wealth of all types of Assets & Properties both movable and immovable with special attention on Land and Buildings being the basic necessity of each Citizen since the Wealth is to be set to subserve the common good and to whole Community/Society . Thus , there is the provision of reasonable restrictions for prompt carry and prevalence of Rights just with the Unique Spirit of “ Live and Let Live “ which is the inevitable policy . “ Human beings being Social in Life cannot Live and lead Life without co-human being in his vicinity .
This inevitable PRIME issue resulted in calling for COME INDIA , INVEST IN INDIA , MAKE IN INDIA and the relevant Improve Production in India , Easing Business in India , Eradicate Corruption in India to Digital Defense with the Slogan “ JODO NAA CHODO “
2.The Issue of Corruption and storage of Black Money both in Bribing , Mediating Quid pro quo , Misappropriation in Accounts , Misuse of Funds , Finance and Material , Misuse of Authority , Tax Evasion Tactics in Business as well as individuals and willful non payment , Carrying , Using & permitting Fake and Fictitious Certificates and Forms etc., shall be set for specifically detailed Code and Regulations to address properly & promptly the National Economy .
This includes control of undue and unwanted considerations at political interest both in lawmaking and implementation , needs a Check at the National and Public interest and even confirmation by apex court in terms of the overall justice in the use of National Income .
This also needs stipulation of certain conditions on various applications and licences making them responsible realizing the previous issues of Businesses and , S E Z ; COAL ; MINES etc., where plenty of Lands were misused at the const of the general public as well as the Nation as a whole .
This also needs detailed Code and Regulations in Licensing / Registrations / Permissions , Sanctions etc., which only can control the concept of Corruption and Misuse and Quid-pro-quo etc., .
3. The State and Center relations shall be such bound to Territorial & Citizen commitments of the whole Indian Union . The States shall carry the Provisions and Issues of those concluded by the Center which is the real concept that strengthens the whole Nation to grow and prosper with committed National and Social Commitments under the constitution .
There is absolute necessity to amend the List I, II AND III of Schedule 7 in terms of the Constitutional specifications and guidelines in respect of the Assets/Properties and Welfare Provisions of the general public are concerned .
States shall prefer strengthening Economically to serve the Constitutional provisions to the people and the Center shall readjust the Funds and Finances considering the Economical Status of the States and in particular, the Districts .
The benefits of Cooperative Farming , Strengthened Panchayats only will Strengthen the districts and in turn , the State will be in a position to readjust the Funds and finances as to the acute places of requirement .
4. There is absolute need of TOP PREFERENCE to Education , Hospitals and Agricultural Activities which are to be endowed with Technology , Skill and Talents for prompt and fast growth and development in terms of World-wide change .
This calls for utilization of Conventional and non Conventional Resources and technologies in all the 3 fields as well as increasing and improving the natural and costless methods of natural farming that sustains the Fertility in Lands as well as the Rivers . Water Canals , Channels , Streams , Tanks and Reservoirs are also to be set for proper guarding and maintenance and also to be associated with necessary Drains while demarking the Drain-cum-irrigation canals and , Drains separately to maintain Health and Hygiene .
5. Dedication , Commitment , Morale and Social-binding are to be re-imbibed to Come together , Keep together and Work together with the same Motto inspiring that of QUIT INDIA Movement which succeeded its goal in a 5 sharp years to “ QUIT OFF “ SELF-INTEREST , LETHARGY , NEGLIGENCE , AFRAID , CORRUPTION , DEPENDENCY , PAUCITY , POVERTY AND , THE JEALOUSY , RIVALRY AND ANTIPATHY Sworning “ Fraternity , Integrity , and Social Responsibility “ .
This calls for voluntary statute in Castes , Community and Religious beliefs and faith capping on incite or excite among the others in the Society . This Decency and Royalty only paves path for a Social Life and Fraternity in the Country . Castes and Religions shall not cause for jealousy , antipathy and rivalry and should be shared with Professionalism and prophecy since Human beings particularly are Social in nature and cannot survive without the Co-beings .
In this campaign , the Women also have to join hands with the same Spirit , Enthusiasm , Zeal , dedication and Commitment with and in the spirit of the Women Folk that took an associated part sharing in all the Assembles , March and Campaigns of Gandhi ji that initiated , called , carried and organized the then most wanted issue for the call of “ QUIT INDIA “ .
6. There is requirement of realizing that it is not the Gun and Riffle to change or get any thing but is the Love and Compassion that plays the best of its role in planting , and prevailing peace unless which there will not be the issue of Fraternity at all .
7. Under any cost , Love , Peace and Fraternity shall be the Motto even to Eradicate Terrorism and the World Welfare Organizations are working with this Principle in addressing the Friendly and or Terror issues .
India , being the inherent of these moral values , discipline is honoured around the World to march against paucity , poverty and Terrorism to retain Peace and Fraternity .
8. The Parliament was committed on the Eve of 75th year of QUIT INDIA Movement and , definitely the goal will be achieved by 2022 , just imbibing the spirit and Strengths from Quit India Movement that Succeeded the Goal in just 5 years . There have been many stood in Front Line in all the Campaigns of Quit India Movement and were seriously injured while many even Sacrificed their Lives which only made the British Rulers to bend towards the Independence in India and , with all the support and seconding participation for the best conclusions with vested commitment of identifying , locating and Reporting the ills and draw-backs in carrying on the governance , THE GOAL OF GOOD GOVERNANCE AS ANTICIPATED AND PAVED A PATH WILL CERTAINLY AHED IN JUST 5 YEARS AND WILL BE ONLY 5 YEARS WITH ALL OUR COLLECTED POSITIVE EFFORTS and so , let us be Positive , Optimistic carrying dedicated approach for this Unique Goal . more  

Wealth Concentration which was to be capped in terms of Article 39 - b, and c , 41 and 21 read with 14 is the cause of same status in general . 1.The reduction of Income Tax Companies on Companies from the then 55% + surcharge to about 30% though strengthened the Businessmen increasing their wealth in multiples , has created an Ocean-spread gap in the deteriorated Economy of the General public those still striving and score about 65 % . The volume of profit yield on this score planted a corrupted view in Businessmen to showing excess consumption , showing willful reduction of yields opting Sale of many Truckloads of products under SINGLE WAY BILL AND CHALLAN using the lenience of the Corrupted authorities in-turn increasing Black Money . 2. The Relaxed provision of leaving off the responsibility of declaring Taxable Income on the individuals also stood as an Obstacle to the Income Source of National Revenue . This on the other hand provided a Secured place to the Inspectorate of Income Tax . This had inspired such an attitude in the State Sales Tax and Excise Duty Inspectorates and resultantly the public revenues grossly effected the national Economy . 3. The Wealth Tax also had been set to such options and the Governments did not take any care or responsibility of inspecting , identifying and locating the Concealed Wealth for Taxation with penalty and even in taking-over of the excess Wealth under the rightful provision for government in terms of Legitimate Taxation. 4. The left off option to the Land Owners as regards to the volume of lands acquired beyond the Ceiling Limits prescribed had only helped Certain Class of people depriving the poor as well as the Governments in land as well as Economy . This has even swallowed the concept of the Land of Ceiling Acts and the ultimate purpose and objective of the Ceiling . This has also made a large gap between the rich and the deserving poor Citizen those dependent upon Agriculture for their livelihood . This had in deed became a challenge to the very Article of life and livelihood Article 21 read with the Objectives of Laws of Land Ceiling . 5. The Urban Land Ceiling Acts were also left to the individuals in the issue of Lands acquired above the Ceiling Limits which lead to the same such situation in one way and on the other way the Lands so held had been in many places divided into House Sites and being sold for abnormal Profits of the individual Lords . This issue also went against the purpose and objective of the Ceiling even depriving the general public of the need of House Sites . There have been many incidents where the House Sites and Houses allotted to the poor public in certain protesting circumstance , were set for resale without Registrations and many know this willful objectives of the political parties concerned . 6. The privatization of Educational Institutions without requisite Code resulted in accumulation of Concealed Income as well as Wealth concentration .The neglected basic & essential issue of Education shall have to now Regulate necessary Code with the spirit of the Constitutional provisions set through articles 15 [4] , 45 and 46 EVEN ENERGIZING TEACHING TALENTS transferring the inefficient and untrained Teaching Staff to Administrative Service of those particular institutions with bound responsibility under article 51 A . There is absolute necessity to investigate on the Wealth and various Properties of Private Educational institutions as well as capping the methods of Fake and Fictitious Certificates , Bogus Marks List etc., Rackets . 7. The Preamble of the Constitution , as well as Article 38 [1] , 39 [a] and [b] have been with a great object set , incorporated and amended only for achieving and securing the purpose of Life and livelihood opportunities those were set in Article 21 with its ideologies set in 15 [4] , 45 , 46 and , 48 and hence , the Governments are not to deviate or diversify this Essential Necessity THUS, IT IS THE ISSUE OF STRIVING AND STARVING POOR HAVING NO LIVING STATUS , OPPORTUNITIES AND FACILITIES ;;;;;;;; AND NOT THE WEALTH OF INDIVIDUAL , INSTITUTION OR THE COUNTRY . This aspect is to be understood with dedicated commitment over the power vested at the public interest and in this campaign , Citizen Responsibility and the Duties of the governing Agents shall be such sworn in for achieving the real goal , objective and concept of our Freedom-fighters .The localcircles.com associated with Legal Circle and NLFNP Circle is to be route for achieving good governance with the constitutional Objects . more  
JUSTICE , Social , economic and political & FRATERNITY which were guaranteed to secure to all its Citizens in the Preamble of the Constitution itself is neglected in implementation . This issue of enforcing EQUALITY in Justice , Social , economic and political had been recognized after a legal and social fight from the then Freedom Strugglers only during 1976 - 78 . Even then , these were set in the Article 38 which was placed in part IV which was subjected and controlled at the cost of whole Citizen and the Constitutional commitment in the Preamble . This is nothing but nullifying the Objectives and Aspirations of those struggled for Independent Rule for/by them . Thus , the Congress with its allies not only ignored the Uniformity but also the issue of JUSTICE , JUSTIFIED RULE FOR Social , Economic and Political EQUALITY & EQUAL OPPORTUNITY . And so , these are the requisites for Top Priority with due amendments suggested by me in my earlier Share . more  
A.The Fundamental Rights of Citizen under Article 15 & 16 read with Article 14 ; 19, 23 & 24 read with Article 21 for Protection of Life and Personal Liberty IN PRINCIPLE DIRECTED FOR RULE THROUGH Articles 45 , 46 , 47 ; and , 44 ; added with Article 48 for Organization of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry . B.The Article 19 Clause 1- a to g were mandated to reasonable restrictions vide Clauses 2 to 6 in the absence of which the Object of Justified Equality and Equal Protection stands inoperative . C. Article 37: “ The provisions contained in this part shall not be enforceable by any Court , but the principles therein laid down are nevertheless fundamental in the governance of the country and it shall be the State to apply these principles in making laws . “ “ The Preamble of the Constitution promises and the directive principles are mandate to the State to eradicate poverty so that the poor of this country can enjoy the right to life guaranteed under the Constitution . “ THE CASE No. SC. 1858 AND OTHER COMMENTS OF SUPREME COURT IN ABOUT 2 OR 3 CASES CONFINING THE DIRECTIVE PRINCIPLES AS EQUALLY MANDATORY itself enable the Citizen of the Country to demand for these minimum Provisions for a reasonable lively hood envisaged under Article 21 . Thus the Article 14 also stands against to the concept when the poor and Poorest of the Poor still ignored and deprived off the Constitutional Provisions of these TWO IMPORTANT parts , III & IV . This is why , the S.C. had directed the then Government in 1992-93 to workout the Creamy layer to eradicate the unjustified carry in the issue of Reservations addressing the benefits to those well placed . [ Deviating/Diluting the objectives of articles 15 , 16 , 45 & 46 diluting the spirit of article 14 ] . D.The Article 31 under PART III had to be amended in 1971 incorporating and further amending 31 - C in 1976 only because of the Protests and demands of the then Political Leaders of public interest making the all or any Article of part IV , the Directive Principles if provided , shall not be deemed to be void not withstanding any thing contained in article 13 or abridges any of the rights conferred by article 14 or 19 and any law pertinent to these shall not be called in question in any court if such law received consideration and assent of the President . E. The Article 38 after Protests of Social Personalities was amended in 1978 to [1] effectively protect Social Order in which Justice , Social , Economic and Political in all the institutions of the National Life . [2] The State shall in particular Strive to minimise the inequalities in income , status , facilities and opportunities not only amongst individuals but also groups of people residing in different areas engaged in different vocations . But , THESE 1 & 2 ISSUES HAVE BEEN GROSSLY SET ASIDE IN RULE BY THE POLITICALLY INTERESTED LEGISLATORS as well as the Political Parties and this along has resulted to the present PATHETIC CONDITION NOT ONLY SOCIALLY BUT ALSO NATIONALLY with vested diversions on Society and National Income and its Wealth . [ Deviating/Diluting the objectives of article 14 , 19 , 21, 39 and 44 ] F. The Article 39 Stipulates that the State shall direct its policy towards securing :- [a] The Citizen equally have the right to an adequate means of livelihood . [b]. The ownership and control of the material resources of the Community are so to be distributed at best to subserve the common good . [c]. The operation of the Economic System does not result in the Concentration of Wealth and means of Production to the common detriment of the general public . G. These THREE ISSUES ALSO HAVE BEEN NOT PROPERLY CARRIED . The allowed Concentration of Wealth ignoring prompt application of Wealth Tax ; The ignored Misuse , Misappropriation , Robbery and Smuggling of material resources of the Country allowing Swallowed Wealth & Money for stacking in SWISS ETC., BANKS , as well as Storing multiple Volume of Properties challenging the Concept of the Constitution ; The allowed and carried Corruption and Corrupted Practices ignoring Tax and Revenue Realization, including application and Assessment of Taxes/Duties amidst uncountable increase of Properties , Luxurious Assets with a particular Section of individuals / Institutions ; The ignored realization of Lands that Vested in the Hands of Government under the Land Ceiling Acts in Force ; The willful neglect in realization of Thousands of Acres of IDLE / MISAPPROPRIATED Lands from those Contracting Corporates under private as well as SEZ ; EXPORT PARK ; KNOWLEDGE PARK etc., ; All prove that the Powers vested with the Governments in the name of Executive under the Political Democracy have not been fulfilled with Constitutional Responsibility AND , THE CITIZEN THOSE ENJOYING RIGHTS THROUGH Fundamental Rights ARE IGNORING THE SAME SUCH RIGHTS OF THE CO-CITIZEN WHO HAVE BEEN SET TO POVERTY SINCE MANY DECADES THAT HAS BEEN CREATING UNREST AND EVEN RIVALRY BESIDES DEATHS DUE TO PAUCITY AND EVEN OPTING SUICIDES . I. This such situation also called for the inevitability of Quit India Movement AND NEED A CALL FOR QUIT POVERTY AND INJUSTICE NOW . i. Inspiring on Article 38 , 39 –a , 41 and 45 read with article 14 and 21 , the governments shall implement the provisions of these articles along-with 44 , 46, 47 and , the 48 promptly with requisite Codes and Regulations . ii.There is the need to amend the Constitution to give mandatory effect to these Articles 38, 39 [a] , 41 , 44, 45 , 46 , 47 and 48 . iii. It is necessary to amend the article 19 joining the basic restrictions to the main objectives of Article 19 Clause -1 – a to g conditioning that the Sub-clause a to g read with the restrictions shall be made mandatory for enjoyment as well as any Order of Permission by the Courts to subserve the common good and carry the prevalence of the same of co-Citizen . iv. It is necessary to Amend the Executive in such a way for Formation of Governing Bodies in Every State and Center that comprise 10 TOP SECRETARIAT REPRESENTATIVE UNDER THE CHIEF SECRETARY to be responsible for the carry of Constitutional Provisions and Controls and the Governors to Head . These Governing Bodies shall work for implementation of Constitutional Provisions , Law & Order , Discipline including that of Criminal Nature in the Public Administration . Such Bodies shall be away from the intervention of the Politicians , Legislators in the carry of Governance in the Country . v. There shall be a suitable Amendment in the issue of Limiting the Authority , Intervening Power of the Politicians , Political Parties and , the Legislators . vi. The unjustified carry of Reservations , Relaxations , Concessions , Subsidies etc., based on Castes shall be discarded strictly adopting the Textual & Objective meaning of the words “ Backward Classes “ clarifying the oppositions and the Courts that the very Articles 15 , 16 , 45 and 46 specifically used the Words of “ Casts “ with different provision and , the “ Backward Classes “ with different provisions . It is also necessary to stage that a High Time of over SIX DECADES have been applied with these Reservation Provision which resulted in dilution of Skills in Educational Institutions as well as , Medical and Engineering Institutions / Woks as had been evident from various issues being raised in various High Courts and Supreme Court about the lack of Talents , Lack of Facilities and the Issues of Fake and fictitious Certificates found including in the LAW COURSE . more  
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